Supportthe Choir


Friends' packages, which are eligible for Gift Aid, are available to individuals or couples who wish to have a closer relationship with the choir, but may not wish to perform with the choir on stage.

Support given by the Friends of the RLSBC enables us to engage a high standard of soloists and orchestras, and to stage concerts where the cost would otherwise be prohibitive.

For our 80th season, we were delighted to announce new levels of Friend, to acknowledge the generous support we have received. All Friends have their names published in our concert programmes, and on the choir website.

If you would like to become a Friend of the RLSBC, and you wish to pay online, please choose the relevant Paypal link on the right. If we don't already have your contact details on file, we will email you when we receive your payment and ask you to provide them. Alternatively, we are happy to accept payment by cheque; please make your cheque payable to 'Royal Leamington Spa Bach Choir' and either give it to any member of the choir or contact us here to request the address for posting.

Thank you for your generous support.

All Friends have their names published in the programme, and on the choir website.


£30per annum


£60per annum


£100per annum

The Royal Leamington Spa Bach Choir is grateful to all Friends of the RLSBC for generously supporting our current season


Mrs Judith Heath

Mrs Chris Spooner


Mr Mike Clift

Mr Chris Forse

Mrs Mary and Mr Robin Hoskin

Miss Jennifer Lorch

Miss Yasmi Roberts


Mr Alec Coutts

Creative Differences

Mrs Janet Keene

Mr Peter Lamb

Mr Stephen Perrin

Royal Leamington Spa bach Choir Fundraising

Ways To Support The ChoirFundraising

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"We are a hard-working, ambitious choir, who also know how to enjoy ourselves."


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Site Design, Build and Hosting by Creative Differences